Food Service


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Application for Educational Benefits Fosston ISD 601

Filling out the Application for Educational Benefits provides funds to families and the school.

If you have a school-aged child, you may be aware that school meals are free for all students this school year regardless of household income due to the bill passed by Governor Waltz. While this is excellent, it may also mean that less families are filling out the Application for Educational Benefits.  This application does many more things for our students and school. By completing the application you are helping to ensure our school gets all the funding it deserves. Completing this form has a significant impact on Fosston Public Schools.

The Federal government will still be funding the free and reduced student meals. The State of Minnesota will fund the meals for the students that would normally pay. Without the application being filled out, we will not be able to track this information and the state fund for free meals will be depleted unnecessarily.  

Funding determined by the application can be used for the following:

*Early Childhood, Pre-School

*Professional Development

*Direct Instructional Services

*Remedial Instruction Services: Reading, language arts, mathematics, study skills

*Lower Instructor to Learner Ratios

*Out of School Time Programing

*Instructional Materials, Digital Learning

*Truancy Reduction Programs

*Social Emotional Learning Instruction and Support

*E-Rate provides discounts for telecommunications, Internet access, and internal connections to eligible schools and libraries.

To apply, simply go to Educational Benefits Application  and Apply Now.

If you have questions, call Stacy at 218-435-6335.


Contact: Stacy